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U2 - Sometimes You Can't Make It on Your Own


我真的很喜歡 U2。要寫到自己最愛不釋手百聽不厭的 U2 作品,大概就夠我在這次參加夏日的 BLOG 挑戰【熱血情歌 30 曲】系列寫上好幾篇了。但是我並不打算這麼作。
U2《Sometimes You Can't Make It on Your Own》
U2 - Sometimes You Can't Make It on Your Own
U2 - How to Dismentle an Atomic Bomb
U2 - Sometimes You Can't Make It on Your Own

lyrics: Bono
music: The Edge

Tough, you think you've got the stuff
You're telling me and anyone
You're hard enough

You don't have to put up a fight
You don't have to always be right
Let me take some of the punches
For you tonight

Listen to me now
I need to let you know
You don't have to go it alone

And it's you when I look in the mirror
And it's you when I don't pick up the phone
Sometimes you can't make it on your own

We fight all the time
You and I...that's alright
We're the same soul
I don't need...I don't need to hear you say
That if we weren't so alike
You'd like me a whole lot more

Listen to me now
I need to let you know
You don't have to go it alone

And it's you when I look in the mirror
And it's you when I don't pick up the phone
Sometimes you can't make it on your own

I know that we don't talk
I'm sick of it all
Can - you - hear - me - when - I -
Sing, you're the reason I sing
You're the reason why the opera is in me...

Where are we now?
I've still got to let you know
A house still doesn't make a home
Don't leave me here alone...

And it's you when I look in the mirror
And it's you that makes it hard to let go
Sometimes you can't make it on your own
Sometimes you can't make it
The best you can do is to fake it
Sometimes you can't make it on your own

甚至本篇文章挑了這首來自 2004 年專輯【How to Dismentle an Atomic Bomb】裡的《Sometimes You Can't Make It on Your Own》來打頭陣參加挑戰,這首歌在我心中等級可能其實也還未必及於《One》《With or Wiout You》《I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For》《Where The Streets Have No Name》《Sweetest Thing》《Miss Sarajevo》... 等早中期作品。但是這確實已經是喜歡上了 U2 十幾年來,眼看著 U2 一張一張新專輯的主打歌對我愈來愈不具吸引力後,近年來終於讓我再度得到滿足、最能打動我的一首歌。

其實《Sometimes You Can't Make It on Your Own》這首歌我個人最愛的是專輯【How to Dismentle an Atomic Bomb】bonus DVD 中由吉他手 The Edge 彈奏木吉他、Bono 獨唱的 acoustic live 版本,但一時之間找不到已經被上傳分享的影片檔,要自己破解擷取出來好像又未免也太費工,雖然進入 2007 年聆聽音樂早已是進入以 iPod、iTunes 為主的「mp3 世代」,但可以的話還是請大家盡量自己花錢去買張實體唱片吧。我暫時只有另外找到某場電視演唱會實況錄影和米蘭演唱會的 live 版而已:

U2 - Sometimes You Can't Make It on Your Own (live)U2 - Sometimes You Can't Make It on Your Own (live from Milan)

《Sometimes You Can't Make It on Your Own》其實並非一首主題只限於男女情愛的 love song,她甚至其實也完全不是我在本系列字面上所解釋到的熱血搖滾,而事實上我本來就完全沒有打算要在本【熱血情歌 30 曲】系列裡專挑那些硬派的熱血搖滾或抒情的泣血情歌來發揮。我所熱愛的搖滾樂未必只能像字面意義上的這麼淺薄,那些能夠讓人豎起耳朵、眼睛為之一亮、精神為之一振、心弦注意力整個被勾動牽引過來,可以反覆 repeat 聽她個一整天都還是百聽不膩餘音繞樑的作品,通通都可能是我這次參加挑戰系列文章中,筆下可能出現的題材。

回到《Sometimes You Can't Make It on Your Own》,這首歌既是主唱 Bono 在父親過世後的心情寫照,也是專輯【How to Dismentle an Atomic Bomb】的起點。歌詞中寫的既是父母關懷孩子的殷切叮嚀,也是任何人都需要更多「愛與和平」的支持後援,才能把事情作對、作好的積極人生觀。

U2 寫歌向來很有跨越宗教、種族、性別、文化的包容大愛精神,所以身為靈魂人物的 Bono 才屢屢在許多國際和平的議題上為弱勢者發聲,成為聯合國的和平大使代言人(我懶得查詳細資料,應該有吧?)、亦是呼聲極高的諾貝爾和平獎未來潛在得主。U2 參與這些呼籲放下仇恨戰爭、拯救貧窮、追求世界和平的跨國慈善活動,不只是自己順勢而為的沽名釣譽,而是真真切切利用自己在音樂上的影響力,試圖讓世界變得更美好的最佳榜樣。

在我年少輕狂沈迷於藝文聲色逸樂的求學時代,我那擔心我在功利世俗社會上將缺乏同等競爭力的父母總愛問我『妳看那個有什麼用?聽這個有什麼用?能幫妳在學校多考幾個一百分嗎?』鼓吹反逆、挑戰權威的搖滾樂,總當作洪水猛獸的墮落惡魔。對於我們這種義無反顧愛上搖滾樂的 kid rockers,每在再一次受到打擊、質疑的低潮時刻,總得在夜深人靜午夜夢迴時一再自問『搖滾樂真的沒有用嗎?』『搖滾樂能不能改變世界?』

搖滾樂當然可以改變世界。U2 就一直在用搖滾樂改變世界。這不是上補習班得到名師的考前猜題預測然後就可以一夕之間在聯考、指考上獲得立即而明顯回報的那種改變,只期待、只看得懂這種程度改變的麻瓜,她們不懂搖滾樂,也不會真的懂什麼叫改變世界。盲目隨波逐流的生物,只有後知後覺不知不覺被改變的份,既沒有理想也不懂築夢踏實是怎麼回事,她們反而還可能是拖累了這世界朝理想改變的障礙。

改變世界不是一蹴可幾。要從改變自己作起,不只是光從網路下載回音樂檔案,剪貼些語法複製貼上完成一篇沒有主見的 blog 文章,期待著為自己網站帶進多少流量、多少廣告點擊、提升多少 PageRank,然後就可以坐享「知名部落客」「網路創投家」的騙小孩名號,財源廣進聲名大噪就稱得上是能在社會上發揮啥影響力成功份子。不,人生完全不是這麼一回事。愛音樂、愛搖滾絕對也不是這麼一回事。

最重要的是「態度」。要能擇善固執,還要具備「說大人則藐之,勿視其巍巍然,吾何畏彼哉」的無懼權威姿態。能夠改變世界的,不只是已經登基世紀搖滾天團寶座的 U2,只要堅持信念,妳我這等小人物也是改變世界的重要環節。改變世界不是電影卡通裡少年少女英雄的責任,別忘了,即使貴為身價數億美金的天團主唱,面對生老病死悲歡離合的人生必然過程,Bono 還是不免有 sometimes you can't make it on your own 之嘆。就算我們幾十年來都被好萊塢超級英雄電影或日本動畫漫畫給洗腦蒙蔽了,看看最近這幾年陸續重拍的《Batman 蝙蝠俠》《Spawn 閃靈悍將》《Spiderman 蜘蛛人》《Hulk 綠巨人浩克》《Superman 超人》等系列續作,也都漸漸開始強調超級英雄們更人性的一面,一樣會有黑暗的弱點。這世界需要改變,需要變得更美好理想。而改變世界不是一個人的事,該從妳我生活周遭小事作起。


sometimes we just can't make it on our own.
come together, we are invincible.



0 chorus resound:


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