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Coldplay - Yellow


色彩是有情緒個性的。譬如說,妳一定聽過這類說法:紅色代表熱情,白色純潔、黑色寧靜、藍色憂鬱,紫色可能很性感又透露著神秘,綠色是和平,黃色... 黃色在古代的中國文化是尊貴的顏色,但如果不是英國樂團 Coldplay 唱了《Yellow》這首歌,我還不知道原來黃色還有羞怯膽小的意思。

Look at the stars; look how they shine for you
And everything you do
Yeah, they were all yellow

I came along; i wrote a song for you
And all the things you do
And it was called yellow

So then i took my turn
Oh what a thing to have done
And it was all yellow

Your skin, oh yeah your skin and bones
Turn into something beautiful
D'you know?
You know i love you so
You know i love you so

I swam across; i jumped across for you
Oh what a thing to do
'cos you were all yellow

I drew a line; i drew a line for you
Oh what a thing to do
And it was all yellow

And your skin, oh yeah your skin and bones
Turn into something beautiful
D'you know?
For you i bleed myself dry
For you i bleed myself dry

It's true
Look how they shine for you
Look how they shine for you
Look how they shine for
Look how they shine for you
Look how they shine for you
Look how they shine

Look at the stars
Look how they shine for you
And all the things that you do

Coldplay 真的是近幾年來最善於生產優美旋律的樂團。主唱 Chris Martin 的假音運用一直讓我有走在鋼索上的提心吊膽危機感,但卻又因此而使自己的耳朵乃至心情整個被 Chris 的歌聲所牽引著。

即使當初 Coldplay 發表第一張專輯的時候,我跟這個樂團有「同事」關係(呸,自抬身價,也不過是剛好在同一家 EMI 唱片公司體系裡服務而已啦,這樣都好意思說攀親帶故,那 The BeatlesRadioheadBlur椎名林檎... 等偉大音樂人也全都是我的公司同事了啊),但其實一開始我並沒有對這個新興樂團有一見鍾情的好印象。因為這支樂團在吉他、鋼琴、貝斯、鼓為主的樂團編曲方面表現其實並不特別搶眼強勢,完全都是由漂亮的 vocal 主旋律掛帥,而我個人偏好剛好注重整體編曲比旋律更多。

但實在還是不得不說,這個樂團譜寫情歌旋律的功力實在太強了,到了也確實沒有必要用多花俏的樂團編曲來補強什麼地方的地步。太多餘的畫蛇添足,搞不好反而喧賓奪主,掩蓋掉了美好旋律的風采。多聽了幾回專輯,這才更加深深地被 Coldplay 所吸引,並折服於靈魂人物 Chris Martin 的神秘深邃憂鬱文藝氣質,短短的頭髮留點鬍渣的造型也愈看愈帥。oh, my dear, i love Coldplay!!!!

Coldplay【A Rush of Blood to the Head】
《The Scientist》

Come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry
You don't know how lovely you are.
I had to find you, tell you I need you,
Tell you I set you apart.

Tell me your secrets and ask me your questions,
Oh lets go back to the start.
Running in circles, Comin' up Tails
Heads on a science apart.

Nobody said it was easy,
It's such a shame for us to part.
Nobody said it was easy,
No one ever said it would be this hard.

Oh take me back to the start.

I was just guessin' at numbers and figures,
Pulling your puzzles apart.
Questions of science, science and progress
Do not speak as loud as my heart.

And tell me you love me, come back and haunt me
Oh and I rush to the start.
Runnin' in circles, Chasin' up Tails
Comin' back as we are

Nobody said it was easy,
Oh it's such a shame for us to part.
Nobody said it was easy,
No one ever said it would be so hard.

I'm goin' back to the start.

Ahhhh oooooo
Ahhhh oooooo
Ahhhh oooooo
Chris Martin

《Yellow》的音樂錄影帶是少見的一鏡到底拍攝完成,其實整個很省工,製作成本相當低廉。樂團四位成員只需要主唱一人來演出,拍攝也只靠一架手提攝影機倒退著拍著 Chris Martin 一人穿著灰色帽T在凌晨的海邊獨唱,一邊走著走著,背景就在短短三四分鐘內漸漸由暗轉亮,捕捉到了日出東方剎那間的萬丈光芒,當太陽已經整個爬上了海平面,Chris 把蓋住頭的帽子向後撩撥開來,讓人有了是否終於鼓起勇氣向心儀對象告白成功的豁然開朗之感,雖然編曲、MV 的創意概念都走極簡路線,卻又展現出了 Coldplay 日後終將成為全球知名暢銷熱賣泱泱大團的架勢與格局。而且其實從黑漆嘛烏到日出破海的實際時間,其實前後可能根本不到兩分鐘,只夠 Chris 把主歌副歌唱一遍就完了,那怎麼辦咧?導演得預先準備加快版的背景音樂,在現場快速播放讓 Chris 跟著對嘴完整把歌唱過一遍,回到剪接室內再將影片配合音樂轉回正常速度,於是畫面中我們看到的是慢動作長鏡頭,歌詞卻還是可以對得一字不差。如果真的 Chris 對嘴中發生了嚴重的錯誤,沒辦法,太陽是不等人的,NG 一次就得等明天半夜同一時間再來重拍了。這種慢動作快對嘴的拍攝手法後來很普及地被大量運用,我自己都剪接過好幾支用到這類手法的音樂錄影帶短版,難怪擅長拍出自成一格招牌暴力美學的香港動作片大導演吳宇森電影《The Matrix(駭客任務)》等都愛用高速攝影機大量膠卷搞這套,彷彿將時間凝結的慢動作可以放大某種細微的視覺意象,真的是有比較酷啊。

而其實我喜歡《The Scientist》的程度或許還更勝過《Yellow》,對歌的偏好說不上有什麼明顯的差別,這篇之所以選擇用《Yellow》作標題,最主要的決勝點應該就是因為《Yellow》聽得到比較多的吉他這種莫名其妙的爛理由而已,但在看過電影《Wicker Park(第三者)》聽過了由(其實我也不知道是誰的)Johnette Napolitano & Danny Lohner 的翻唱版本後,我對於《The Scientist》這首歌又有了額外的另一份想像空間,我很喜歡《Wicker Park》這齣浪漫愛情電影。透過電影劇情的增強效用,視覺和聽覺印象鏈結起來,對本來就已經被《The Scientist》這首歌旋律搞得低迴旋繞的情殤情緒就又更加愛不釋手了。一擊必殺、二擊再殺、連擊連殺,試著用理智來搞懂挽不回的愛情,Chris 如泣如訴的平靜歌聲聽來真是太心碎太悲傷了啊。

Coldplay - YellowColdplay - The Scientist
Coldplay - In My PlaceColdplay - Speed of Sound



0 chorus resound:


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