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the last straw



"are we there yet?" "no, not yet."
"are we there yet?" "no, not yet."
"are we there yet?" "......"

『這還不是最後一根稻草?』『嗯哼... 還不是...』


『唔... 好像是有一點熱。kero!』


"so... are we there yet?"


0 chorus resound:


FinderiCal: my Google Calendar plan4funMail: drop me a lineiPhoto: my flickr photosiMovie: my bootlegvideos on YouTubeFinalCut: movie premieresGarageBand: i wanna rock !iTunes: play that funky musicQuickTime: front row cinemaSafari: Internet Surfing Matrix ReloadedPages: i can read tooKeynote: notable quotesiChat: blahblahs of my miserable lifePainter: drawing graffitiMotion: i love this game !Tachikoma: Ghost in the ShellVoiceOver: i'm biased & saying it out loudSystem Preferences: rss takeout Recycle Bin
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