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攻殼機動隊系列 O.S.T.堂堂上市

電視版第一部片尾曲《Lithium Flower》,我喜歡這個 bassline 填得很滿的編排。配合這曲式節奏,頗有一種姿態 -- 獨立而且剛毅,還幽幽散發出金屬氣味的神秘花香。
攻殻機動隊 STAND ALONE COMPLEX OST be HumanLithium Flower
From the album "Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex O.S.T"

Lyrics : Tim Jensen
Music : Yoko Kanno
Arrangement : Yoko Kanno
Vocal : Scott Matthew

She's so cold and human
It's something humans do
攻殻機動隊 STAND ALONE COMPLEX OST+She stays so golden solo
She's so number nine
She's incredible math
Just incredible math

And is she really human?
She's just so something new
A waking lithium flower
Just about to bloom
I smell lithium now
Smelling lithium now

How is she when she doesn't surf?
How is she when she doesn't surf?
攻殻機動隊 STAND ALONE COMPLEX OST2How is she when she doesn't surf?
I wonder what she does when she wakes up?
When she wakes up

So matador
So calm
So oil on a fire
She's so good
She's so goddess lithium flower
So sonic wave
Yeah, she's so groove, yeah
She's so groove

攻殻機動隊 INNOCENCE OSTWow, where did she learn how to surf?
Wow, where did she learn how to surf?
Wow, where did she learn how to surf?
You know I've never seen the girl wipe out

How does she so perfectly surf?
How does she so perfectly surf?
How does she so perfectly surf?
I wonder what she does when she wakes up?

I wanna go surfing with her
I wanna go surfing with her
I wanna go surfing with her
I wanna go surfing with her
不用跟每張都將近千元的日版水貨相比,我在某唱片行買 $278 就都已經覺得超便宜了,現在若到代理公司普威爾國際的網站上訂購,每張訂價竟然也才 $261,真是太親切太感人的價位了。

喜歡攻殼機動隊 TV 版【攻殻機動隊 STAND ALONE COMPLEX】【攻殻機動隊 S.A.C. 2nd GIG】系列、電影版第二部【攻殻機動隊2 イノセンス / INNOCENCE】菅野よう子川井憲次的同好們一定要也來支持一下的啊。如果還連其他兩張 Tribute Album 也一起代理進來就更理想了,日版的 O.S.T. 3 下個月也要發行了哩。


0 chorus resound:


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