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Marilyn Manson - The Beautiful People


Marilyn Manson

配合我在今天小金人擂台賽所寫的挑戰文章 god is in the tv,正是繼續介紹反基督超級巨星 Marilyn Manson 的最佳時機。對大多數保守的善男信女來說,這濃妝豔抹得跟鬼一樣的惡魔化身玩起煽動性極強的重金屬搖滾樂,簡直就是地獄來的聲音。
《The Beautiful People》

Marilyn Manson【Antichrist Superstar】

And I don't want ya, and I don't need ya,
Don't bother to resist, or I'll beat ya,
It's not your fault that you're always wrong,
The weak ones are there, justify the strong,
The beautiful people, the beautiful people,
It's all relative to the size of your steeple,
You can't see the forest, for the trees,
And you can't smell your own...
...And on your knees!

There's no time to discriminate,
Hate every other hater that's in your way!

Hey you, what do you see?
Something beautiful or something free?
Hey you, are you trying to be mean?
You live with apes man, it's hard to be clean.


The worms will live, in every host,
It's hard to pick which one they'll eat the most

The horrible people, the horrible people,
It's all atomic as the size of your steeple,
Capitalisim, has made it this way,
Old-Fashion facisim will take it away.

Hey you, what do you see?
Something beautiful, or something free?
Hey you, are you trying to be mean?
You live with apes, man, it's hard to be clean.

There's no time to discriminate,
Hate every other hater that's in your way!

The beautiful people, the beautiful people,
The beautiful people, the beautiful people,
The beautiful people, the beautiful people,
The beautiful people, the beautiful people!

Hey you, what do you see?
Something beautiful, or something free?
Hey you, are you trying to be mean?
You live with apes man, it's hard to be clean,

Hey you, what do you see?
Something beautiful, or something free?
Hey you, are you trying to be mean?
You live with apes man, it's hard to be clean,

The beautiful people, the beautiful people,
The beautiful people, the beautiful people,
The beautiful people, the beautiful people,
The beautiful people, the beautiful people.
Marilyn MansonMarilyn Manson

這應該是 Marilyn Manson 最紅的一首歌,也一直是她們的作品裡我自己最喜歡的前三名之一。

Marilyn Manson 既是團名,也是樂團核心靈魂人物主唱 Brian Warner 的藝名。結合了性感女星 Marilyn Monroe 和美國史上最惡名昭彰的連續殺人狂 Charlie Manson 而來,將其中「美麗」與「恐怖」的意象糅合在一塊。Marilyn Manson 其他樂隊成員同樣都依循這套命名規則,結合性感女星跟殺人狂的姓與名取了行走江湖用的藝名,例如本名 Jordie White 的創始團員貝斯手 Twiggy Ramirez,就是來自英國名模時尚女王 Twiggy 跟另一個連續殺人狂 Richard Ramirez 的結合。

別以為如此愛操弄「反基督」「反權威」叛逆文化意涵符號的 Marilyn Manson 一定是在小時候就受到多麼嚴重虐待或性侵害,在人格成長階段留下多少難以抹滅的陰影,導致了性格扭曲,才會變成如今跟個殭屍鬼王惡魔化身沒啥兩樣的田地。本名 Brian Warner 的主唱,雙親都是虔誠的教徒,又被送進基督教學校就學,大學修習的是新聞學位,對基督教信仰和大眾傳播文化都有一定程度的瞭解,卻也因而對基督教教義產生了某種反動和自己的解讀方式,後來組團就以這特立獨行的反叛角度進行詮釋,進佔了金屬/搖滾/工業/歌德音樂領域裡的一席之地,不但掀起各界大眾媒體關注討論議題的同時,也用並不艱澀難懂的流行音樂旋律和煽動暴亂的電氣節奏元素為自己在唱片市場上賺進大筆鈔票。

收錄《The Beautiful People》這首歌的【Antichrist Superstar】專輯,是 Marilyn Manson 被吸納入有「美國工業搖滾皇帝」地位的樂團 Nine Inch Nails 主腦 Trent Reznor 一手開創唱片廠牌 Nothing Records 後最成功的暢銷熱賣大碟。我當初喜歡上這首歌,就是因為覺得這首歌激進的節奏與金屬吉他,兼具某種「百鬼夜行」和「顧影自憐」的衝突美感,好像真的就是鬼門乍開所有大鬼小鬼好鬼壞鬼通通蜂擁而出開起園遊會的氣氛一樣。

Marilyn MansonMarilyn Manson

Marilyn Manson 的商業頭腦其實可能遠超過她們在音樂上的藝術成就。她們的特殊定位在市場上很容易獨樹一格,跟其他樂團區隔開來,成為一提到惡鬼搖滾、魔性金屬就會聯想到的代表人物,在好萊塢每年需要大量生產一大堆 B 級恐怖片、虐殺片、怪獸異種生物特效片的情形下,跟另一同質代表人物 Rob Zombie 幾乎一起瓜分了這些「類型電影」的原聲帶市場,不僅都大量在電影中獻聲,甚至 Marilyn Manson 跟 Rob Zombie 還都紛紛下海自己來拍攝 B 級恐怖片,再自己包辦其中的配樂、主題曲等,在視覺、聽覺上同步強化了唱片市場上撒旦代言人的惡鬼形象。其實我還蠻愛從那些 B 級電影裡看看電影人們能夠如何翻玩一些創意靈感,但 Marilyn Manson 跟 Rob Zombie 親自執筆編劇導演的電影玩噁爛道具、噁爛化妝、噁爛鏡頭的成分比較多,實在都不怎麼好看。我個人真正對 Marilyn Manson 投入電影事業產生好感,是其在改編自電玩遊戲《Resident Evil(惡靈古堡)》的電影原聲帶中擔任合輯總監製,找來一大堆重金屬樂團、歌德搖滾樂團同聲獻藝,Marilyn Manson 為電影所作的主題配樂 main theme 在輕盈的電子旋律中加入了愈來愈重擊的吉他與節奏,曲尾的高潮部分更配合到了電影畫面裡女主角拿起散彈槍將彈藥上膛的動作,倒是非常有山雨欲來的磅礡氣勢,這才讓我見識到了 Marilyn Manson 平常專輯比較少表現出來的另一面。

Resident EvilResident Evil

下面來看看卸妝前和卸妝後的比較。畢竟 Marilyn Manson 也快四十歲了,不但皮膚坑坑巴巴還有點垮下來了,但當搖身一變改扮起鬼王時,當然怎麼醜都還是理所當然,甚至還要愈醜怪愈稱職。果然是『佛要金裝,鬼要鬼妝』吧。

Marilyn MansonMarilyn Manson

文章寫到這裡要先譴責一下 Marilyn Manson 這混帳王八蛋羔子,居然去染指上了小時候那麼清純可愛的美少女演員 Rachel Evan Wood,果然是個把小孩變壞的惡魔。原始團員都差不多吵架走光了,又愈來愈走缺乏驚喜的流行搖滾路線,只剩下唯一招牌的鬼妝和始終如一的疊聲 vocal 唱腔,新專輯讓我缺乏繼續購買支持的動機了啊。抱怨至此文章也差不多該告一段落了,這下該怎麼作結尾咧?

Marilyn Manson

那就祝大家都可以變成 beautiful people 好了。我也想要變漂亮...


0 chorus resound:


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