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5 號綿羊


come together 說:
 5 號綿羊有多大?

come together 說:
 喔...是 S 號綿羊... orz

come together 說:
 問完覺得好白癡... -___-b

Shan(最後一個月的暑假。)可怕的狗兒才兩個月大已經長得像隻 S 號綿羊。。。 說:

Shan(最後一個月的暑假。)可怕的狗兒才兩個月大已經長得像隻 S 號綿羊。。。 說:

come together 說:
 我真的看成 5 號綿羊啊... orz

Shan(最後一個月的暑假。)可怕的狗兒才兩個月大已經長得像隻 S 號綿羊。。。 說:

come together 說:

come together 說:
 真的很笨... -___-|||

旺福 - 小綿羊趕集(少年ㄞ國 KTV 版)

延伸閱讀/聆聽:麥田小民 - 小綿羊趕集 SOLO - 間奏 guitar(慢速教學版 & 慢速伴唱版)


0 chorus resound:


FinderiCal: my Google Calendar plan4funMail: drop me a lineiPhoto: my flickr photosiMovie: my bootlegvideos on YouTubeFinalCut: movie premieresGarageBand: i wanna rock !iTunes: play that funky musicQuickTime: front row cinemaSafari: Internet Surfing Matrix ReloadedPages: i can read tooKeynote: notable quotesiChat: blahblahs of my miserable lifePainter: drawing graffitiMotion: i love this game !Tachikoma: Ghost in the ShellVoiceOver: i'm biased & saying it out loudSystem Preferences: rss takeout Recycle Bin
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